In part 2 of Bug Boy’s tour of the entomology science department at the American Museum of Natural History, Dr. Phil Barden shows us marine life and other wet specimens, including a GIANT SQUID! There are so many animals to learn about that we will need a part 3!! In the meantime, enjoy the tour!
On the Road…American Museum of Natural History | Bug Boy S02E03
In this episode, Bug Boy visits the American Museum of Natural History and speaks to Dr. Phil Barden about the entomology department.
Kissing Bug | Bug Boy S02E02
What better way is there to spend Valentine’s Day than having EJ “Bug Boy” Soto tell us about the Kissing Bug. How did they get their name?
Also Bug Boy wants to know if there are any bugs that YOU think are cute.
Winter Bugs | Bug Boy Season 02 Episode 01
In this episode Bug Boy opens up Season 2 by answering an important question: Where do bugs go in the winter? The answer is more complicated than you think!
Stink Bug | Episode 5
In this episode of Bug Boy, EJ tells us about the often misunderstood Stink Bug.
Talking Assassin Bugs with Amberly on Animalist
Praying Mantis | Episode 4
In this episode Bug Boy catches a praying mantis, a fascinating insect. But also asks his audience to help him out with something important.
Bug Boy on RightThisMinute
Bug Boy got a chance to talk to the hosts of RightThisMinute. What a fun time!
The Thank You Special | Episode 3
Join us and watch as Bug Boy gets the news of his new following. As a Thank you, we sat down and did a Q&A session specifically drawn from questions submitted by the fans!
Green Drake Mayfly | Episode 2
In this episode, we catch and release a Green Drake Mayfly. They are unique and have really short life spans as adults.
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments and they will be fielded by Bug Boy himself!